Wetland Delineations and Environmental Permitting

Whether you are developing a lot for new construction or redeveloping an existing lot the process can be complicated. Increasingly, environmental permits must be obtained before any phase of construction can begin. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection requires that landowners obtain permits for a wide range of activities within or adjacent to watercourses/waterbodies or wetland areas. Some towns also require that wetland areas be identified and located for the purpose of creating a new lot. Albert Frick Associates employs several experienced land-use consultants who can help you get the permits that you need in order to begin your project.
Wetland delineations are needed any time a landowner has to impact wetland areas during the course of a construction project. Frick Associates has four Professional Wetland Scientists on staff who are capable of quickly and efficiently providing accurate wetland delineations on your lot. We are able to delineate and locate your wetland areas simultaneously using the latest GPS technology. After our work in the field is complete, our CAD/GIS department can quickly provide you with the wetland delineation plans required in order to obtain your permits We have a long and successful track record of working closely with State and local regulators on behalf of our clients.
More recently, vernal pool surveys have been required to be completed prior to beginning construction projects. Unfortunately, there is a very narrow window of time during which these pools and their inhabitants can be surveyed each year. Generally, pools can be surveyed from mid-April (most years) through about the middle of July. The presence (or perceived presence) of a vernal pool can significantly delay the start of a project. AFA staff have been involved in identifying, surveying and locating vernal pool habitats for many years. All of our wetland delineators are capable of identifying potential vernal pool habitat just about any time of the year. We are able to let you know whether or not a vernal pool may be deemed “significant” by MDEP Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA) standards. If this turns out to be the case, then we will want to return and officially survey the pool during the appropriate time of year. Usually one or two follow-up visits are sufficient to determine a pool’s significance or lack thereof.
Over the years we have been able help our clients receive permits for a wide variety of activities. Our experience is not limited to just wetland delineations and vernal pool surveys. We have obtained permits for activities located within the shoreland zone, for proposed subdivisions, campgrounds, stream crossings, activities in coastal sand dunes, activities adjacent to protected natural resources, proposed docks and piers, land application of sewage, large-scale composting and wind power projects throughout Maine. Our professional staff of consultants is extremely well-versed in erosion and sediment contol measures as well as phosphorous control plans. Chances are, if you need to get a permit to begin a project, we can help you do it.